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“Radio Frequency Network Design is our dark art and our passion. Our goal is to build the best wireless networks available with our robust design we believe in a world where everyone deserves to be connected.“

Our team of Consultants comprise of experts in the Telecommunications Industry, we can help advise you on the best practices to ensure your next Communications Project has the foundations to be successful.

Completely Engineered Wireless Solution Design including all required infrastructure, frequency spectrum management, configuration, installation, carrier certification and approvals.

Let our team of experienced Project Management Professionals ensure your communications project runs according to plan, However, should unforeseen circumstances arise you can rest assured that we will be able to get your project back on track.

Be confident in the delivery of your solution with guaranteed coverage backed up by completion reports including pre/post signal readings, compliance approvals and an equipment maintenance program to ensure you solution continues to deliver throughout.


Our services encompass sophisticated in-building system design, coverage modelling software, RF scanner and mobile measurement, and inter-modulation measurement, enabling us to deliver a wide spectrum of Cellular Boosting Solutions.


We specialise in high speed, high capacity PTP & PTMP Radio network design and implementation. Using industry leading Radios to provide your business the capability to keep up with the demands of this data driven world.


In order to fulfil our dream of a world where everyone is connected, we aim to cover as much of it with wireless access devices as we can. Come and speak to us about a range of wireless access networks including Wi-Fi, LoRaWAN & RFID.

Internet of Everything

In a world where IoT is driving the next industrial revolution, the force behind smart farming and even smarter cities, it helps to have someone to help you navigate all the smoke and mirrors out there . We can help you clear the fog with Network Design, Sensor Application, Data Storage and Cloud Platform Management delivered and a complete turn key solution.


“Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won't make a company successful.“


“Sigtel Group are an independent , one-stop wireless specialist with the experience & the know how to come up with great business solutions and make them happen“


“ Our blog contains industry related articles and case studies from our custom installed solutions.“